The ABCD of Koliwada

We have spent the last fifteen years in the neighbourhood of Dharavi, actively participating in the user-driven evolution of its material and social life. This has given us the confidence to conceptualise and embark on a project called “The ABCD of Dharavi Koliwada”. This article outlines the vision for the project. 

EnteKochi Review 2020

The urban design competition EnteKochi 2020 focused on integrating a participatory approach within the planning process for the city of Kochi. The competition was planned for, announced and conducted during the pandemic induced nation wide lockdown. This article provides a glimpse of the process. 

COVID-19 in a post-wild world

Indian cities are habitats for a vast number and variety of animals. It has taken a lockdown to spotlight these creatures living in and around our cities. 

A Mangrove experience

In this article we discuss ways of making an immersive mangrove experience available to people. We propose varying degrees of engagement, from a full blown Koli experience to Mangrove Machans. 

Urban Actions and Emergent Architecture: Community Architecture 2019

The “Urban Actions and Emergent Architecture:Community Architecture 2019” first Encounter was held in the city of Bogotá, Colombia on the 25th and 26th of October of 2019. This was the first event to ever bring together community leaders, architecture colectivos, professors and students to discuss around the topic of community development initiatives.

Workshop Fronteras de Segregación. Lima Perú

Gracias a la invitación de la Universidad San Martin de Porres en Lima – Perú el equipo de Urbz Colombia tuvo la oportunidad de organizar el Taller Fronteras de Segregación, hacia una integración social de espacios fragmentados. Este taller se organizo en el marco del XXIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería, Ciencias Aeronáuticas y Arquiforo “Visión 2018”, un evento anual que realiza la